Gallery Exhibits – Group Exhibitions

Group exhibits include:

Shifting Views / Aerial Views Works

In this group exhibit by invitation, I revised the small collages from Aerial Views and then rendered large collage pieces that related to the theme of place and where one lived, along with distant views and aerial perspectives. The items in the Group Exhibit are these:

Artropolis 93 (#2) – Radiant Pressed Memories

In this large exhibit I created an installation envisioning the House of the Vestal Virgins in the Roman Forum. The pool was made of canvas, and around the edge were names of people who I felt lived radiantly with purpose, like the Vestal Virgins who could pardon criminals just by passing by. In the archways around the pool were various Ironing Board pieces and standards at the entrance bearing the irons. There was sound in the space, and on two occasions a dance performance by Eryn Atkinson & Karen Olive as the Vestal Virgins dancing to the Protecting Veil by John Taverner and White Winds by Andreas Vollenweider.

Past Artists / Current Works

I was so moved by my experience at the Stein Festival where we were again trying to bring awareness of the Stein Valley, sacred to the Lillooet people, to protect the valley from the eminent danger of clear-cutting. On the final day we were camped in the alpine surrounded by the mountain ranges along with amazing Indigenous elders and environmentalists. John Denver came and sang Rocky Mountain High. This was such a moving experience that I wanted to express the totality of it in several works which I created for this exhibit.

Artropolis ’87

I was part of Les Enfants Terrible section of the large group exhibit at Artropolis 87. I collaborated with some of my young students to create Fairytale 2000 and all its components. I rendered their drawings and paintings on the large wall of the site and developed the sculptured characters of our Fairytale and wrote out the tale on the wall with its modern twist ending.

The Warehouse Show & Sculpture 85

In these two group shows, I exhibited my large sculpture Generations to a local audience who didn’t have the opportunity to travel to K’san to see it. First was the Warehouse show, which was the genesis of the future Artropolis exhibits, and then Sculpture 85 with the Sculpture Society of BC of which I was a member.

Sculpture ’84 – Internal Heroics

In this large Sculpture Society Exhibit, I chose to show my Internal Heroics piece with found organic materials bound together, signifying the internal struggles we all have and try heroically to overcome. 


I was asked to contribute two of my larger works about women and their strengths, the barriers they have faced, and the fairytales they have been fed. So She’s a Girl is a 5’x5’ painting, and Eulogy to my Mother represents her strength, passion, and the difficulties she faced and overcame.