Abstract Works – Continuum, Green Awakening, Heroics, and Labyrinth
Continuum deals with the notion of one’s spiritual practice and is concerned with spiritual essence, the Cosmos, and Buddhism, reflected abstractly in paintings symbolizing a method of moving through the world.
The Spring Green Awakening series of paintings were developed for a corporate client for a large public lobby at Robson Square Conference Centre in Vancouver. The themes of the works were emotional landscapes such as in the large diptych titled Spring Green Awakening. The painting reads like a moving landscape and the notion is the sense of awakening to the planet, awakening to yourself and lastly, to love. The other canvas explores an abstract notion of the landscape such as Summer Promise where the hint of winter is vanishing by the faint taste of spring from the odor of the earth.
At Heroics, transcendence – rising above the idea of duality – by specific heroic individuals was the theme. The triangle represented the figure and symbolized intelligence, strength, and spirituality.
Labyrinths dealt with the notion of experiencing life as a journey with all the inherit pitfalls and dead ends, misstarts, and final release. The labyrinth symbolized pairs of opposites like male/female, inner/ outer, and in the ancient world, order/chaos and time/space.